Looking for something exciting to fill that desire to serve?

How about a fun time that blesses you all the while helping in a very important ministry?     Sounds too good to be true?      Well it's true!

The Anchor House Ministry: Mission to Seafarers has many opportunities for you to bless seafarers and be blessed in this "fast track to the Ends of the Earth."

Here are a few of those opportunities:

Drivers: Operate Anchor House Van to transport seafarers and engage in conversation as the driver felt led. A clean driving record (no CDL needed) is required. Schedule is flexible.

Center Volunteer/Helper: This volunteer would assist with food prep and serving of the noon meal, and/or man the small store in the center and provide hospitality to our seafarers and longshoreman. This would be once per week from 10:00A.M. to 4 P.M. or from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.

Mailing: A monthly newsletter is sent out via USPS. Volunteers sort and fold for mailing the last week of each month.

Worship Leaders and Bible Teachers: Regular worship services on board the ships. Contact us for potential opportunities to share God's message of love, hope, grace, and salvation

For further information or to volunteer contact Executive Director Jeff Holton (941-722-0764) or anchorhousemission2@gmail.com